What is Jhanas?
An introduction to single-pointed focus, meditative equipoise, and the levels of jhanas.

Jhanas is a term that was derived from the original Sanskrit, dhyana.
Dhyana is the ability to reach meditative equipoise, once one has established themselves deep enough in a single-pointed focus on any object of perception.
Now, keep in mind that any object means anything other than the subject itself, or the perception or awareness itself.
Therefore, this object could be a thought and intuitive idea, an emotion, a body sensation, any tactile sensation (like sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch), or any outside object that's used as an anchor to point the mind toward it while slowly, gradually, and gently remaining focused on the object, without distraction. This is all done in a very calm and totally relaxed state.
Now, the body itself will object to sitting and anchoring on an object that isn't providing it pleasure.
Therefore, we must use skillful means and be able to generate a slight amount of pleasurable sensation within the heart and body, while we rest in single-pointed awareness on the anchor, so as not to be disturbed by the body.
If one is not purified enough or is unprepared, this sounds much easier than it actually is.
However, if one can generate a small amount of glee while remaining gently and effortlessly focused on the anchor, then it's easy to slip from dharana, or single -pointed focus on an object-anchor, to enter full-fledged meditative equipoise, which is the releasing of the anchor so that the only thing that remains is the subject.
You will not hear this kind of jhanas explanation talked about anywhere, because it's highly guarded, and it's very secret.
So the next question that arises is: How do I generate some form of sufficient glee within, when I'm merely staring at an object-anchor for no apparent, rational reason?
The answer is much easier than you think, and we'll cover it in great detail in the next article.
But once you achieve this single-pointed focus on the object anchor, you will find that meditative equipoise, known as the first jhanas, becomes much easier to enter into, and a great peaceful glee overcomes the body-mind.
As you approach this first meditative equipoise with glee, you begin to deepen into the next layer of jhanas, called level two, and slowly, the glee starts to change form.
As you move to jhanas level three, the sensation changes again, and so on and so on, until you reach level eight, where you have mastered jhanas and are ready for the ambrosia, and death and rebirth into full realization and total liberation.
This is the entire purpose of this offering, to walk you through this process step-by-step, with all the hints and tricks so that you can perform it on your own, or with my help if needed, to achieve your own freedom from bondage.
I look forward to providing a whole lot more in the very near future, so stay tuned.
Be blessed