Getting Started with Reflexive Mind

Reflexive Mind's teachings build on the foundations laid in Reflections Within the Mirror of Radiance (theory & practice by Raziyahu, available on Amazon).
Behind this website, we are the same community, and these are the next steps.
Getting Started with Reflexive Mind
Join with a Contributor or Contributor+ membership for access to the core teachings, ancillary tips, and helpful discussions. Select posts are also available for public preview.
You'll find a natural timeline of articles, audios, videos, and candid recordings. We keep production and editing to a minimum so that you get quick access to new releases.
Subscribe to the email newsletter to receive new post announcements and special offers for contributing tiers. Free members receive teasers and occasional offers.
Begin at the beginning (June 2024), and work through the essentials at your own pace, up to the most recent. Our focus is on the three-stage Tantric concept, so the streamlined core teachings and ancillary posts are tagged for more efficient search.
Don't worry about falling behind. You'll catch up and get to know this incredible community through the discussions, and we are here to support you every step of the way.
Take your time with each concept and practical experience. Say hello to the group and ask your first questions about the teachings and practices when you feel ready. Take a look at the Member FAQ for additional information.
Take note of our community and content policies; moderators will help point discussions in the right direction. Policy and guidance is updated on an as-needed basis, and continued use of the website indicates your agreement.
Notes from Raziyahu:
If you would like to further your study but cannot afford to contribute, visit the Member FAQ.
Membership & Community Policy
Reflexive Mind discussion areas are reserved for focused questions and comments about the subject matter. This is not a platform for intellectual debate or social networking. Please keep things considerate, reasonable, and coherent.
For the health of our learning community and at our sole discretion, we reserve the right to flag, moderate, edit, or remove content and change or terminate user access without refund or advance notice. We may also terminate inactive or non-contributing accounts. Additional moderation info can be found in the Member FAQ.
Participate in Direct Messaging and Profile commenting at your own discretion; you can disable these individually in your comment system privacy settings [instructions pending]. Members are under no obligation to respond to unwanted contact apart from administrator or moderator requests. Report inappropriate behavior.
Members who opt out of notifications or email newsletters may still receive occasional messages from us about your account. Opting out will not change your tier or cancel your membership.
Your subscription and other contributions are donations to the Mission that support the continuation of the teachings, special offerings for the community, and sponsored learning opportunities for those who cannot afford to give. To provide additional support, join with a Contributor+ custom monthly membership, or donate any time, using this link.
Access your account portal to change your tier any time prior to the renewal date. Membership subscriptions bill automatically and are non-refundable. Contact us to cancel if no Cancel option appears.
Additional Content Policy
Content and discussion appearing on the Reflexive Mind website is considered private and is only intended for current members on the respective tier; it is not to be copied, stored, or shared under any circumstances without advance written consent.
To share Reflexive Mind's content with friends and loved ones, without violating these terms, simply send them a link to the post or page. You can find a list of public preview posts here.
Do not solicit or harass our members or use this website to promote, recruit, distract, bait, or share illicit, harmful, or illegal content.
No warranty or guarantee is made on content or commentary provided by Reflexive Mind contributors, members, or visitors. Our own content may also be changed or removed occasionally without warning or explanation.
This website and the views and opinions of its members and administrators are for information only and do not replace licensed professional advice, such as that from medical, legal, financial, or clerical advisors. Seek the help of qualified providers when in crisis and for critical life decisions.
Users are responsible to cite copyrighted content shared from outside sources; moderators can address copyright infringements if we are made aware of them.
Our official privacy policy is under development; this section offers a simple, plain-language view of how your data is used and why.
Reflexive Mind collects certain personal and identifiable information from visitors and subscribers in order to provide membership and other services. Any information we collect is only shared within our Mission organization and with trusted 3rd party applications that provide integrated services and benefits for our users or administrators. Contact us if you require deletion of your personal information from the systems we control.
We do not directly process donations or subscriptions; such services are provided through integrated payment gateways, for your protection.
This website uses cookies, integrations, and analytics to help us improve function and add features to enhance your experience over time.
Reach us through the account portal (copy the email by right-clicking on the Support button) or at
We are also testing an integrated Help Center solution and will post the link here when it is fully available.
Earnest inquiries are welcome. We are not interested in solicitations or business offers at this time.
Support Notes
We are working with a new website and comments system since Dec 5th, 2024 and are continuing to improve:
- Comment display order reversal and number of posts to be automatically loaded (full update pending)
- Some notification bell and email quick-links direct to an inaccessible page or an error message (investigating)
- Post like button (fix pending for like-retention and comment count)
- Several new features pending
Certain browsers, settings, extensions, etc. may affect your experience of the website. Reach out to the community for assistance, and we will escalate to support if needed.
rev 1-19-25