Utilizing the Vowels

This is simply a reminder that we'll discuss the details about the process of opening the first gate of mystery which involves using the vowel sounds (A, E, I, O, U), shown backwards here as top to bottom, which are just placeholders for the actual tones, which must be explained in detail.
The vowels are the sounds that give all consonants life. They are also the way we change vibration to coordinate movement in perception from the physical to the spiritual.
These tones can be said aloud or just expressed as vibrations in the mind.
They each relate to a specific shape and color which must be unified, or sewn together, in a certain way to help create the right vibrational state to allow the 'gate' to open and the consciousness to 'move' through it.
I will begin by explaining the keys by which certain tones (shape/color/vibration), used in an authentic state of emptiness (right view), form the platform by which all spiritual action actually takes place, whether that's summoning Shakti, moving to the various planes, or generating changes in the physical and spiritual dimensions.
Once these keys are understood, spiritual action, just like physical action, simply relies on changing the state of vibration so that an alteration in perception occurs.
Obviously, this must be explained one step at a time...
Until then, please be safe and enjoy peace.