The Authentic Path

I wanted to share something simple but that may provide a little insight into this crazy 'life journey' that we've all found ourselves on.
It's important to keep in mind that everyone is at their own individual place on the ladder of awareness recognition.
Because of this, everyone has to be met where they're at, and in a particularly customized fashion that's unique to them.
There's really no way to specify the whole process in a coherent way that will be effective across the span of the entire path.
Most of the mystical texts that are available today contain information that's typically either tailored to one specific place on that ladder, or that provides a generalized overview of the entire journey.
But to reach the ultimate summit, one has to be curated carefully over a certain span of time, in a very peculiar way. It takes a huge amount of patience and a lot of resilience, for both the teacher and the student.
Most texts are written to act like a companion, to help generate interest in the continuation and dedication to one's particular task at hand.
There's no such thing as an open text, written plainly, that reveals all of the hidden secrets on the path to liberation.
So when we attempt to discuss the higher aspects of the path, it has to be coded in a language that requires one to understand the key definitions, a Rosetta Stone of sorts, to help actuate what is being conveyed.
This can be very daunting, incredibly demanding and very frustrating for any serious practitioner who tries to struggle and grasp these most advanced spiritual texts, like the Zohar, the Torah, Rig Vedas, Tao Te Ching, Secret of the Golden Flower, etc, etc.
But regardless, as one moves along the path step by step, they will recognize that the feelings of fear, anger, frustration, strife, etc. will increase, not decrease as expected. This is a sign of their advancement, even though it feels like falling backwards, rather than ahead on the path. This is the basis of all authoritative texts on the subject.
As we learn to rise above the selfing identity, we generate more resistance, like a weight trainer who must increase weight to grow more muscle with each step we take on the journey.
In my humble opinion, there's good news for all those struggling to break through.
Most of those walking on the authentic path today might just be perfectly aligned for some radical assistance, in the form of a 'rapturous' type of event.
What this means is that those established in the foundation of right view, who have maintained their awareness toward beyond mind, may receive the push they need to reach the other shore.
What is the authentic path?
It's the path by which one sees through errant thoughts which only confuse, divide and separate one from their eventual Sacred Union.
This focus of right view is the very foundation where one sees through the seemingly endless stream of flowing thoughts which dominate one’s perception.
It sounds quite easy when it's discussed, but to actually maintain this ordinary view of awareness brings one to a state of purgatory, where they not only have to wait to cross the ocean, but also must give up the vast amounts of thought, and its formation of the egoic self one has grown so accustomed to.
Like a captive prisoner who slowly begins to admire their own captor, we also build the habitual tendencies which keep us attached to the aches and pains that the endless mindstream of the egoic self brings us.
Turning away from this habitual nature that we've established over many years can be so daunting that it can seemingly drive one to the edge of madness.
Only those who have the fortitude, and truly want an escape from what they now see as an insurmountable supply of unresolved desires, will make it to their goal.
In today's world, however, there seems to be a precipice coming that will assist one in moving from the state of purgatory, felt from the dryness of giving up selfish desire in exchange for establishing the ordinary view, into the state of the heavenly awakening.
This foundational state of right view is the only degree that will allow one to recognize this special gift from above and inevitably utilize it to cross over to the other shore.
The Light (or the Source within all creation) has created this temporary space for us to use in any way we wish.
Some use it to fulfill their every desire, and others use it skillfully to overcome their every desire.
Since the fulfillment of desire is impossible and out of reach forever, the skillful practitioner moves beyond the out-of-reach desires and enters into a middle state that constantly resolves itself without effort.
Like the ancient Taoists once told us, "Action leads to actionless action", or 'The paradox of the Way is that striving less can lead to more".
This means that the more relaxed we become in view, the more activity we find in vibration. Vibration is in everything and is the key to unifying polarized dualism.
Therefore, one must know that nothing happens from the place of external desires and confrontations; those are traps to steal your time.
One must learn that defending the ego also strengthens the ego, like drinking poison to kill another.
This is the base foundation, the only place to find your treasure. Typically, this takes a long time to attain, but time might soon end, and all that will matter is your intention on that last second of time.
Be vigilant, because those that miss that moment might just end up back at the start again.